Alien of Affection

2017 Recorded by Mike Stephenson at Sonic Sounds Studios

Adam Bolt - Lyrics and Vocals

Tommy Dye - Lead Guitar

Dave Kinder - Bass Guitar

Andrew Gilmer - Dobro

Brandon Blevins - Drums

Ben Smith - Harmonica

There is no more fitting song to start this blog. In a world where music and information is disposable, I want to have documentation of the musicians and engineers who have helped me turn my ideas into songs. We started this project in the wake of the disbanding of The Ordinary Bitters.

Alien of Affection’s journey started while harvesting grapes in Southwest Virginia. During harvest, especially late harvest, yellow jackets are everywhere. The yellow jackets are able to crawl into grapes that have been damaged. Once oxygen is exposed to the inside of the berry, a natural fermentation will begin. The insect gets very drunk to the point you could pet it if you felt so brave. I witnessed this time and time again, what I never knew was if the wasp knew about the alcohol or if it was just attracted to the sugars. I wondered if the queen would smell the mandible of the wasp once it had got back to the hive, and she would know it had been out drinking.

Unfortunately some of these specimen do not make it back to the hive. They will either get so drunk they end up getting stuck inside of the berry creating their own grape grave. In the years of my grape harvesting experiences I have only been stung a number of times, which gave me an appreciation for the benefits of wine has on aggressive behavior.

The title comes from a law in many states known as Alienation of Affection. I do not know much about the law but I did use this to inspire a story about a creature from out of this world who has problems showing affection for other beings. This creature tries to make connections but fails miserably. In a way they have crawled into their own fruit tomb, trying to make their way out. They wonder if the will ever to be able to properly express their love.


Well I’m drunk as a bee on the harvest moon

Trying to stand up straight and not fall for you

I’m reckless and I’m careless and its harmful too

But on this night I’ve thought it through

Hey Lee Ann,

Don’t you hate this man

He’s just and alien of affection

You’re as sweet as the sugar that pours down the bark

You’re the light between the leaves when the forest is dark

We rode here together but where did you park

The lights would come on but the truck wouldn’t start

Hey Lee Ann,

Don’t you hate this man

He’s just and alien of affection

I’m drunk as a bee on the harvest moon

No more sting to my buzz there’s no more follow through

I’m just as useful as a knot in my shoe

All tongue tied and twisted from the thought of you

Hey Lee Ann,

Won’t you take this hand

I know it ain’t your plan or your plan or you intention

But I’m an alien

I’m and alien

I’m an alien of affection

So Hey Lee Ann,

Don’t you hate this man

He’s just and alien of affection

2017 Adam Bolt


Coal for Christmas


Mountain town