Laurel Cove Music Festival 2024

It's been nearly a month since I had the privilege of performing at the Laurel Cove Music Festival, and I am still riding off of the fumes. I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Jon Grace and his team for affording me the opportunity to share my music with such a warm and appreciative audience. The festival atmosphere was nothing short of magical, though it was bittersweet not having my wife and baby with me due to unforeseen circumstances. Despite this, our love for this festival remains unwavering, and we look forward to many more margaritas in Middlesboro and cherished moments at Laurel Cove in the years to come. I hope that our daughter learns to sing, dance, and love music at Laurel Cove and that is becomes as special to her as it is to her mother and me.

To everyone who took the time to listen to my set and engage with me, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It was incredibly humbling to see so many people gather to listen to a Virginia songwriter they may not have known before. The conversations and connections made were truly special, reminding me of the power of music to bring strangers together as friends. Special thanks to my friends who have always supported me and helped me seize this opportunity—it meant the world to have have Wes, Chad, Amy, Brian, Scott, Paula, Sam, Michael, and Will (WillieGoodMusic) there to rooting me on. Thank you to Danny and Daniel at Papa Chum’s, it was nice talking with you and the Uke was a big hit, love the CSNY record.

I want to take a moment to recognize Jon Grace, and his exceptional team who made the festival possible. Their warmth, kindness, and dedication are unparalleled. Behind the scenes, I witnessed firsthand the hard work and passion that goes into creating such a seamless and enjoyable event. Jon Grace's vision and commitment to his community are inspiring, and it's clear that his spirit permeates every aspect of Laurel Cove Music Festival. Many people told me that Jon Grace is a true genius and has used that genius for the betterment of his community. LCMF is a great example for other communities, small and large, to see what is possible when you believe in something. To Jon, Amy, and your entire team—thank you for making artists like me feel valued and welcomed. The swag was so SICK!

Personally, the impact of this experience on my music cannot be overstated. Returning to Virginia, I felt a renewed sense of creativity and purpose. The encouragement and support I received at Laurel Cove have motivated me to dive deeper into my songwriting, recording, and live performances. It was an honor to be featured on the Hollar N’ Kentucky Podcast with Zach and Roe and to share my journey with a wider audience. This experience has also reignited my passion for blogging, and I'm excited to share more of my musical adventures with you all on this platform. Check out the link to Hollar N’ Kentucky Interview below.

All the Best,


Adam Bolt ep. #42 by Hollar N' Kentucky (


Coal for Christmas